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Get insight to better understand your child's behavior

When your child is misusing substances it’s confusing, lonely and scary. This e-book provides you with insight and wisdom to help you better understand why your child may doing the things they are, and how you can stay healthier, be more proactive, and motivate them positively through the experience.

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    "I don't want another parent to go through what I did – alone, scared and unequipped."

    Brenda Zane,

    Co-Founder, Hopestream Community

    about brenda zane

    Brenda is a Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT)-trained parent coach, a Mayo Clinic Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and host of the popular podcast, Hopestream. She's the Co-Founder of the nonprofit Hopestream Community, a collection of support and education services for parents of kids misusing substances. She's the proud mom of four boys, the oldest of which she nearly lost to multiple fentanyl overdoses.

    Brenda lives in Seattle, Washington, and her nonprofit organization supports parents globally through the difficult season of having a child who misuses drugs or alcohol and who struggles with mental health.

    about the e-book, hindsight

    HINDSIGHT is written by Brenda Zane, whose son nearly lost his life to addiction at the age of 19. This book provides insight to information that will be valuable if you're feeling helpless, confused and exhausted because of your teen or young adult's misuse of drugs or alcohol.